Medical Conditions and Injuries: Integumentary: Groin
Unilateral Vulval Swelling in Cyclists: A Report of 8 Cases, 2014
Perineal Nodular Induration ("Biker's Nodule"): Report of Two Cases With Fine-Needle Aspiration Cytology and Immunohistochemical Study, 2013
Reactive fibroblastic and myofibroblastic proliferation of the vulva (Cyclist's Nodule): A hitherto poorly described vulval lesion occurring in cyclists, 2011
[Perineal nodular induration in cyclists], 2009
[Perineal nodular induration], 2009
Perineal nodular swelling in a recreational cyclist: diagnosis and discussion, 2009
The vicious cycling: bicycling related urogenital disorders, 2005
Perineal nodular induration: the 'third testicle of the cyclist', an under- recognized pseudotumour, 2003
Paediatric penile trauma, 2002
[Biker's nodule"--perineal nodular induration of the cyclist], 2000
Nodular lesion on the sacrococcygeal area in a bicycle rider, 2000
Acquired coccygeal nodule due to repeated stimulation by a bicycle saddle, 1995
Clinical syndromes associated with bicycle seats, 1994
[Perineal nodular induration], 1992
Hazards of long distance cycling, 1989
[The "third testis" of cyclists, in women too...], 1989
[The "third testicle" in a cyclist: an ailment not to be ignored], 1988
Perineal nodular indurations ("accessory testicles") in cyclists. Fine needle aspiration cytologic and pathologic findings in two cases, 1988
[Nodular indurations of the perineum or accessory testes in cyclists. Pathological anatomy and pathogenic discussion], 1987
Nontraumatic injuries in amateur long distance bicyclists, 1985
[Injuries of gynecological nature caused by the common bicycle saddle of a woman's bicycle], 1954