Medicine of Cycling Members' Research
Steven Sabo, MD
Areas of Expertise: wound care, non-surgical musculoskeletal care, sports medicine, diagnostic ultrasound, ultrasound guided injections, viscosupplementation, family medicine
Presentations and Abstracts
Cycling Specific:
Survey of Injury of Bicyclists during the Iowa Seven-Day 480 mile Bicycle Tour, presented at University of Nebraska Grand Rounds presentation (2nd Place), 2003.
Subacute Knee Pain is Not Always What It Seems (Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis, presented for competition for South East College of Sports Medicine Feb 2012 and American Medical Society for Sports Medicine April 2012
Non Cycling Specific:
13 Indications for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, UTSA Texas Regional Physician's Assistants Conference, 2007 
Review of Treatment for Aviation Decompression Sickness, International NATO Flight Surgeon's Conference presentation at Ramstein AB, Germany, 2005.