Medical Conditions and Injuries: Neurological and Neuromuscular: Sciatic Nerve
Sciatic neuropathy after lower-extremity trauma: successful treatment of an uncommon pain and disability syndrome in an adolescent, 2007
Gluteal compartment syndrome, 2007
Bilateral sacral radiculopathy in a cyclist, 2005
Pedal pusher's palsy, 1989
A case of post-traumatic false aneurysm of the superior gluteal artery with compression of the sciatic nerve, 1983
Medical Conditions and Injuries: Neurological and Neuromuscular: Femoral Nerve
Post-traumatic hematoma of the iliopsoas muscle with femoral nerve entrapment: description of a rare occurrence in a professional cyclist, 1991
Entrapment neuropathy of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve: cause of lateral knee pain, 1988
Medical Conditions and Injuries: Neurological and Neuromuscular: Peroneal Nerve
Compression peroneal neuropathy following a bicycle injury in a child, 2010
Chronic lateral knee pain in a cyclist: popliteal artery entrapment, 2007